
Help Defeat SB 139 in the GA House!

Written by | Mar 26, 2015 5:40:11 PM

Our friends and neighbors in Georgia need our help! The Georgia Legislature is considering a bill, Senate Bill 139, that would prohibit local governments from regulating "auxiliary containers" aka plastic bags and foam takeout containers.  This is just like Florida's bag ban preemption, only more broad and more damaging! SB139 goes to the House floor for a final vote TOMORROW, Friday March 27th!

Please take a moment to contact the representatives on GA House Targets (highlighted)!

Sample Email:
Dear Representative [Name]:  As a concerned voter, I’m reaching out to you in hopes you’ll consider voting against SB 139.  This bill would prohibit local governments from regulating plastic bag use.

The environmental community opposes SB 139 because plastic bags end up in our state waters from the mountains to the coast.  Plastic bags can take up to 1,000 years to break down (and they never fully decompose, they just break into smaller and smaller pieces).  Since they do not decompose, plastic bags become a hazard to aquatic and marine life.  The bags can be swallowed, wrapped around the necks of animals, and poison the waters around them as they leach chemicals into the water.

Home Rule is a long-established policy in Georgia.  This bill would stop local communities from deciding SB 139 is expected to be voted on by the House THIS Friday.  I hope you’ll consider voting NO.

Suggested Twitter/Facebook Posts:
#BantheBag!  Urge GA House to vote No on #SB139.  #PlasticPollution!

Stop #PlasticPollution.  Defeat #SB139 in GA House.

Let Cities decide!  Defeat #SB139 in GA House.  #PlasticPollution.

Contact Stephanie Stuckey Benfield at sbenfield@greenlaw.org or 404-964-7025 for more information!