This year the Florida legislature has put renewed attack on the 2008 ocean outfall bill that outlaws the archaic practice of dumping 396,000,000 gallons a day of inadequately treated sewage into the coastal waters of southeast Florida. Last year your voices were heard and the attempt to delay the implementation of the outfall law was never brought to a vote in the Senate.
In the 2012 version of the bill, the shut-down date of 2025 for the sewage outfalls has not been extended. It remains 2025, which was the date to which all agreed when the bill was written in 2008. However, according to the analysis the 2012 bill:
This bill has passed the FL House and is in the FL Senate Budget Committee with 1 more potential stop to the floor.
Click to read letter sent to the Florida Senate from environmental and industry organizations.
Recent article:,0,3479207.story
BUT, THERE IS STILL TIME TO STOP IT! We are asking for your help:
Email the Florida Senate Committee on Rules and tell Chairman Senator John Thrasher you are opposed to the Miguel Diaz de la Portilla Senate Bill 724 (Domestic Wastewater Discharged Through Ocean Outfalls) and request the Committee on Rules not schedule SB 724 for a vote before the Senate.
If you live in Florida email your FL Senator and tell them you oppose Senate Bill 724 and if the bill comes before the Senate ask them to vote against it. (Click here to find your Senator).
If you do not live in Florida you can still help, Tell VISIT FLORIDA®, the states official tourism marketing corporation you do not want to visit Florida to swim in the sewage polluted ocean: