
Surfrider Foundation's 2016 Legislative Priorities

Written by | Jan 13, 2016 7:25:32 PM

The 2016 Legislative Session kicked off on January 12th and already things are off to a busy start. This year the Florida Chapters of the Surfrider Foundation will be focusing on three major issue areas:

1. Single Use Plastic Bags: Representative Richardson and Senator Bullard have filed Disposable Bags (HB143/S306), which would allow coastal  municipalities with populations under 100,000 to create a pilot program to regulate or ban single-use plastic bags. Right now it's against the law for cities to ban, tax or regulate plastic bags!

2. Cigarette Smoking: Senator Altman and Representative Moraitis have filed Regulation of Smoking (HB4063/S1554) which gives local communities the ability to ban smoking on their beaches, parks and sidewalks. Cigarette butts are most frequent type of litter found on our beaches

3. Sea-level Change: Representative Jacobs and Senator Clemens have filed Weather Impacts (HB1223/S1544) which, among other things, creates an interagency workgroup to share information, coordinate ongoing efforts, & collaborate on initiatives relating to weather events including sea-level change.

Want to help? Join us on January 21st for Florida Coasts & Oceans Lobby Day in Tallahassee!