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Clean Water Act Online Course is Live!

The River Network is proud to announce version 2.0 of our Clean Water Act online course. This course is based on the content of our very popular Clean Water Act Owner's Manual.

The course is perfect for both Clean Water Act new-comers and old-timers.  New-comers (new staff, volunteers, board members) will find a great introduction to the key programs of the Act, and how to use them.  Those with more expertise using the Act's tools will benefit from an extensive collection of "Digging Deeper" items that provide regulatory information, links to more advanced tools, and more, as well as interesting "Local Stories" providing case studies on how other river leaders have used the tools.

The course is free. It is divided into individual lessons, so you can pick and choose your topics or simply move through each lesson in order.

In the future, we will add recorded webinars, powerpoints, and other tools to the course.  To help us make this as useful as possible, please feel free to share your feedback and ideas with Merritt Frey at

Visit <> to learn more about using the power of the Clean Water Act to protect and restore your watershed!

What's new in 2.0?

* Updated with pages and pages of more information from the 2nd edition of the Clean Water Act Owner's Manual and newer policy updates.
* Additional quizzes test what you've learned in each lesson.
* Local stories provide real-world examples of how river leaders like you have used the power of the Clean Water Act to protect and restore rivers.
* And so much more!

Lessons cover:

* Water quality standards
* Pollution control permits (NPDES)
* Stormwater pollution control permits in more detail
* Impaired waters identification and listing
* Impaired waters restoration (TMDLs)
* 401 water quality certifications
* Dredge and fill permits (wetlands/stream alterations)
* Nonpoint source pollution control
* State Revolving Funds
* Enforcing the Act
* Other related laws