Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary's Restoration Blueprint: Partial Adoption, Work Remains for Action in State Waters
By Katie BaumanAfter more than a decade of scientific reviews and recommendations, community and industry input, and stakeholder negotiation, the Restoration Blueprint has been adopted for waters under federal jurisdiction in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. The final updated management plan and regulations sought to expand Sanctuary boundaries, increase habitat protection through new wildlife management areas, reduce cruise ship discharges, and prioritize adaptive management actions for the entirety of the one-of-a-kind marine ecosystem. While relevant updates will apply to management of the Sanctuary’s federal waters, the Governor’s office did not adopt the current Blueprint plan and regulations for waters under state jurisdiction (extending three nautical miles from shore in the Atlantic Ocean and nine nautical miles in the Gulf). However, effective management, updated protections, and addressing community and industry concerns in Sanctuary state waters remain a focus for Florida leadership and agencies.
The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary is jointly managed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, in partnership with Monroe County. Concerns related to the finalization of pending cooperative management agreements between the state and federal agencies (in particular, the fisheries management protocols), restrictions on the use of habitat support structures (e.g., artificial reefs), and potential constraints from place-based regulations were cited by the Governor and Florida agencies in the decision not to adopt the Blueprint for state waters. The decision also recognized the critical importance of addressing the challenges facing the Sanctuary and the State’s commitment to doing so in state waters.
Situated between the southern end of the Florida peninsula and the islands of the Florida Keys, the Sanctuary stretches across more than 3,800 nautical miles of coral reef habitat, turquoise waters, and carbon-storing mangroves and seagrass beds. In addition to supporting critical habitats and a vibrant, biodiverse array of species, the Sanctuary contributes nearly $4.4 billion annually to the state economy and supports more than half of all jobs in Monroe County. However, since its establishment in 1990, the Sanctuary has suffered serious deterioration and growing threats from pollution, ocean acidification, and human pressures – all compounded by the impacts of climate change. For years, it has been clear that action is needed to protect and effectively manage this unique ecosystem in light of changing and challenging environmental circumstances.
A 2011 condition report found the Sanctuary’s water quality, habitats (coral reef and seagrass beds), biodiversity, and key species in concerning and declining states. A devastating 2014 outbreak of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease, a lethal coral disease causing irreversible loss of tissue, worsened the health of the reef tract. In 2019, NOAA issued a range of regulatory options and alternatives for Sanctuary management updates, which was accompanied by a five-month public comment period. Three years later, NOAA issued a draft rule with a 100-day public comment process. The need for updated management and protections was further emphasized by the unprecedented 2023 marine heatwave with extreme ocean temperatures that decimated coral colonies throughout the Sanctuary. Over the course of this multi-year process, Surfrider Foundation and the Florida Keys Chapter, alongside coalition partners in the Florida Keys Restoration Partnership, were committed to diligent engagement and informed input: submitting multiple rounds of comments, appearing and speaking at meetings and hearings, raising awareness among the public, and urging federal and state decision-makers to finalize a rule so that the vital work of implementation could begin. The Final Restoration Blueprint was published in January 2025, followed by a 45-day review period for the U.S. Congress and Governor DeSantis.
Following congressional review, the adopted Restoration Blueprint in federal waters will expand the Sanctuary’s boundaries, prohibit any cruise ship discharge other than cooling water, and prioritize adaptive management actions that are grounded in science. These updates provide enhanced protections and connectivity for species and habitat in these waters, address some of the compounding challenges facing the Sanctuary ecosystem, and facilitate Sanctuary managers’ responsive action to evolving conditions.
Looking ahead, Surfrider will continue to advocate for improvements to protect fragile habitats and vulnerable species in state waters and facilitate effective, long-term management of the Sanctuary. Coordination between the federal and state agencies that have jointly managed the Sanctuary for decades must remain paramount in the finalization of outstanding cooperative agreements and the development of an adaptive management plan.
With our coalition partners, we look forward to working with state offices and agencies to advance community-supported updates, implement key protections, and prioritize adaptive management in the Sanctuary’s waters under state jurisdiction. These actions are central to responding to the concerns of the Keys and South Florida local communities and businesses as well as the growing challenges and degradation facing the marine ecosystem.
To support the long-term well-being of the Sanctuary – and the Florida communities, livelihoods, and economies that depend upon it – we must also ensure NOAA continues to have the vital personnel and funding necessary for the agency’s critical ocean, coastal, and weather responsibilities. You can take action to support NOAA here.
Together, we remain committed to a healthier, thriving Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary for decades to come.