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'Remarkable Woman' in Tampa Bay Region Supports Surfrider Foundation

Surfrider Foundation enjoys support from countless individuals, organizations, and businesses around the globe that seek to contribute to our mission of the protection and enjoyment of the world's ocean, waves, and beaches. While this support comes in a variety of forms, the organization received a very special donation from a remarkable woman during Women's History Month this past spring. 

Dr. Hilary Stockdon selected as the winner of the Remarkable Woman Program for the Tampa Bay region through Nexstar Media. This nationwide initiative honors the influence women have had on public policy, social progress, and the quality of life, celebrates local women that inspire, lead, and forge the way for other women. Dr. Stockdon was one of four finalists from the Tampa Bay region whittled down from an initial nomination list of more than 100 local women. 

Surfrider's mission is near and dear to Dr. Stockdon, who is a coastal scientist based in St. Petersburg responsible for the United States Geological Survey's Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources program. Her work helps determine risks from hazards like hurricanes, storm surge, and sea level rise along more than 95,000 miles of U.S. Coastline. Her research has been vitally important to help agencies and the public better understand and prepare for coastal hazards driven by climate change. 

She is also fostering the next generation of aspiring environmental scientists particularly women. This includes her daughter, an undergraduate student at Florida State University and incoming president of the Surfrider FSU Student Club, who has flourished as an environmental advocate, participating in lobby days and events at the Florida State Capitol alongside other volunteers and activists in Surfrider's Florida network. 

Surfrider Foundation is grateful for Dr. Stockdon's leadership in Florida and for the recent donation to Surfrider resulting from her winning the prestigious Remarkable Woman award in the Tampa Bay region. Read more about Dr. Hilary Stockdon and her Remarkable Woman award here.