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July Florida Chapter Volunteer of the Month

July Volunteer of the Month!
Jennifer- PBC

Congratulations to our first ever volunteer of the month, Jennifer Bevan!  Jennifer serves as Media Chair and Ocean Friendly Gardens Program Chair for the Palm Beach County Chapter. Jennifer is responsible for organizing, planning and coordinating the chapter's first Ocean Friendly Garden. Groundbreaking and planting will occurred on July 6th at the Palm Beach Zoo. Jennifer's upbeat attitude and tremendous work ethic make her a essential member of the Palm Beach County Chapter Executive Committee. Chapter Chair Todd Remmel had lots of great things to say about Jennifer,

"Jennifer, our Ocean Friendly Gardens Program Chair, and Media Chair, is quite an asset to our Surfrider Foundation chapter. Her enthusiasm and follow-through with the OFG program has been top notch. She helped identify our first garden location immediately after initiating the program. After several meetings with city officials, emails and site visits the prospects of our first garden fell into a flurry of politics and

Jennifer 2- PBC

unfortunately dissolved. Considering it a learning experience, Jennifer used the momentum to quickly identify our next OFG location. I remember the chapter board meeting clearly when Jennifer, without hesitation, presented a site plan for our new Ocean Friendly Garden at the Palm Beach Zoo complete with photos of plant species,

garden layout, etc. The look on the faces of fellow board members was priceless, nothing but smiles of interest and motivation. Jennifer also helped recruit a program co-chair, D.D. Halpern, a green-thumb whose time has also been valuable and an asset to the chapter. We recently planted our first OFG at the Palm Beach Zoo with an overflowing amount of help from new-found volunteers with green thumbs and their families. With a healthy new OFG Program now underway here in Palm Beach County, our mission and outreach has been increased two-fold thanks to the volunteer efforts of Jennifer. Thanks Jennifer and on behalf of the chapter we wish you a safe and healthy delivery of your baby boy in the coming weeks!"